Monday, January 20, 2014

Ya try to have nice things...

The weekend started out as a bit of a bummer.  First came this huge zit on my cheek.  The kind that deserves a name of its own.  The kind that prompts The German to suggest we switch sides of the bed for a few nights because he is worried it will scare him if it is the first thing he sees when he wakes up.  It is horrible, and I don't think it is going anywhere anytime this week.  I've decided to call it Fred.

Then, I lost my bid for a puppy. An acquaintance has a litter of perfectly adorable, 8 week old all black German Shepherd puppies.  Practically speaking, it is probably for the best.  We are getting ready to move houses, we have a vacation coming up, and, as The German says, "Don't you think you spend enough of your day cleaning up after someone else's shit...literally?"  But he could be a running buddy for The German! And an awesome security system!  And Bean would really love a pet she could play with and snuggle!  She keeps trying to cuddle and throw toys to the old cat we adopted and has quite a few scratches to show for her efforts.  In fact, when she was just a tiny Bean and you would ask her what sound a cat makes, she would make a claw hand at you and hiss.  Sigh.

Then there is my bra saga.  I won't bore you with the details, but all the wonderful new bras I ordered from Victoria's Secret's sale are being held captive by an import company in Ireland whose payment website doesn't work.

But, things are looking up!  We've scored a few inexpensive armoires for the new house.

They need a bit of work, but I needed a new project and The German has generously offered to sand and prime them for me while the kiddos and I take a mini vacation to visit my family. Plus, Bean had a blast helping.

Sprout, the precocious little nugget, spent the weekend hitting us all in order to put himself into time-out.  We haven't started time-outs with him yet, so it took us a bit of time to figure out what he was doing and where this sudden burst of violence was coming from. The one time Bean needed to take a time-out this weekend he even took off "running" to beat her there, a huge grin on his face despite the fact that he was the one that just got whacked across the head with Doc McStuffin's doctor kit. I've never seen a kid so happy to sit on the bottom step.

In perhaps my greatest find in big city West Africa, we have finally procured fresh milk!  Well, I've known about it for almost a year now, but I finally got myself together and ordered some.  In village West Africa, this is no big deal.  Just ask around for nearest Peul household, and they will sell you some. Actually, in my experience, they will probably just give you some and tell you to come back whenever you want some more, or just for a visit.  The milk is amazing and creamy and screamed for Oreos.  The kids both hate it.  Bean gagged and demanded her "real milk" back. Sprout just opened his mouth to let it run back out, then waddled off to the kitchen, returning with the powdered milk tucked up under one arm and the Nesquik under the other.  I guess if you are making requests, might as well aim high.

Then last night I made a near perfect from scratch pot pie (thank you Ina Garten!). And now, for my high of the year to date, we have gotten the call that the espresso machine we ordered in September is arriving this week.  Yes, this week is definitely looking up!


  1. I LOVE the milk recap! :) The mental images are just awesome. I need to order some (she says for the millionth time).

    Where did you get the armoires?

  2. PS. I'm on the German's side on the dog. But you have an ally in Jonathan!
